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Over 15,000 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in Texas rely on paid staff in small residential settings – including Home and Community-based Services (HCS) and Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) group homes – for their daily needs.
Despite a modest rate increase to $10.60/hour for DSPs on September 1, 2023, staff vacancy rates in HCS homes and ICF facilities rose from 30% in 2021 to 34% in 2024.
Of HCS homes and 57% of ICF facilities are struggling to meet federal access standards
Of HCS homes and 22% of ICF facilities are reporting an increase in medication errors
Of HCS homes and 43% of ICF facilities are experiencing an increase in behavioral issues
Of HCS homes and ICF facilities are reporting an increase in hospitalizations
Unless and until the Texas legislature acts, individuals with IDD will to continue to rely on DSPs compensated at the insufficient rate of $10.60 per hour, further exacerbating the workforce crisis which will lead to devastating consequences for Texans with IDD and their families who rely on DSPs.
DSPs in group homes currently work an average of 60 hours per week, with some working 100 hours per week or more, leading to fatigue-related errors and lower tolerance for stressful situations. DSPs at HCS homes work an average of 62 hours per week, while those in ICF facilities work an average of 56 hours per week.
A total of 179 HCS homes and 50 ICF facilities closed between January 2023 and February 2024.
From March 2024 onward, there are an additional 92 HCS homes and 34 ICF facilities anticipated to
close by the end of the year.